
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Privacy and Security
  • Artificial Intelligence and Ethics


  • INFO 415 - Emerging Topics In Information Assurance And Cybersecurity
  • INSC 598 - Special Topics In Information Science


Lindah Kotut is an assistant professor at the University of Washington Information School. Her research sits at the crossroads of Human-Computer Interaction, privacy and security with a focus on how people make decisions surrounding privacy, and how to design technology that supports and accounts for these decisions. Her research ultimately seeks to foster respectful technology spaces and inform the development of supportive, collaborative, interventive or persuasive technology that supports user decision-making around privacy issues. Kotut holds a master’s and bachelor’s degree in computer science, from Norfolk State University and Georgia Southern University, respectively. She earned her Ph.D. in computer science from Virginia Tech.


  • Ph D, Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2021
  • MS, Computer Science, Norfolk State University, 2016
  • BS, Computer Science, Georgia Southern University, 2012


  • Best Paper, Honorable Mention Award - ACM GROUP, 2023
  • Best Paper, Honorable Mention Award - ACM CHI, 2022
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award in the “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” Category - Virginia Tech, 2022

Publications and Contributions

  • Conference Paper
    The TL;DR Charter : Speculatively Demystifying Privacy Policy Documents and Terms Agreements (2023)
    ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work 2023 Authors: Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    The Long Way Home: News Values in Stories Told by Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers on Instagram (2022)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Victoria Mukuni, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Winds of Change: Seeking, Preserving, and Retelling Indigenous Knowledge Through Self-Organized Online Communities (2022)
    ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Authors: Lindah Kotut, Scott D. McCrickard
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Trail as Heritage: Safeguarding Location-Specific and Transient Indigenous Knowledge (2021)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Amplifying the Griot: Design Fiction for Development as an Inclusivity Lens (2020)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Clash of Times: Respectful Technology Space for Integrating Community Stories in Intangible Exhibits (2020)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Morva Saaty, Derek Haqq, Timothy L. Stelter, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Investigating Paradigms of Shared Overviews in Multiple Display Environments (2020)
    Authors: Shuo Niu, D. Scott McCrickard, Julia Nguyen, Derek Haqq, Lindah Kotut, Edward Alan Fox
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Opportunities in Conflict on the Trail (2020)
    HCI Outdoors: Theory, Design, Methods and Applications Authors: Lindah Kotut, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Preparing for the Unexpected: Community Framework for Social Media Use and Social Support by Trail Thru-Hikers (2020)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Timothy L. Stelter, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Smartwatch-Centered Design and Development in Mobile Computing Classes (2020)
    2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Authors: Andrey Esakia, Lindah Kotut
  • Conference Paper
    Using Stories to Understand Technology Needs and Technology Reuse by Rural Communities (2020)
    Author: Lindah Kotut
  • Conference Paper
    Willing Buyer, Willing Seller: Personal Data Trade as a Service (2020)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Timothy L. Stelter, Michael Horning, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Opportunity in Conflict: Understanding Tension Among Key Groups on the Trail (2018)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Steve Harrison, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Privacy Preserving Smart Meter Data (2018)
    Authors: Swapna Thorve, Lindah Kotut, Mary Semaan
  • Conference Paper
    Technology at the Museum: The Missing Voice (2018)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Ann Hoang, Jennifer Shenk, Havisha Panda, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Tensions on Trails: Understanding Differences between Group and Community Needs in Outdoor Settings (2018)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Michael Horning, Derek Haqq, Shuo Niu, Timothy Stelter, D. Scott McCrickard
  • Conference Paper
    Survey of Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions in Smart Grids (2016)
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Linday A. Wahseh
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Food for Thought: Nutritional Facts for Self-Reflection in Online Political Interactions
    Authors: Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Subil Abraham
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Having To Have It All’: How International Student Mothers Manage Technology and Children in the Multipurpose Home
    Authors: Neelma Bhatti, Aisling Kelliher, Lindah Kotut, Derek Haqq, Timothy L. Stelter, Morva Saaty, D. Scott McCrickard


  • Contextual Canaries: Addressing Information Asymmetry and Navigating Design with Unwritten Stories (2024)
    DUB Seminar, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
  • Stories of Agency and Power: Indigenous Knowledge and HC (2023)
    MHCI+D Immersion Studio, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
  • The Long Way Home: Understanding Technology Needs and Technology Use by Trail Thru-Hikers (2022)
    Brigham Young University - Provo, UT
  • Amplifying the Griot: (Ancient) Stories Guiding the Design of Fair, Equitable and Transparent Systems (2021)
    Responsible Data Science and AI speaker series at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign, IL
  • Amplifying the Griot: (Ancient) Stories Guiding the Design of Fair, Equitable, and Transparent Systems (2021)
    DUB Seminar, University of Washington. - Seattle, WA
  • All Things Considered: Stories as Signals and Guides to Understand and Design for Unmet Needs (2020)
    Computing Research Association Grad Cohort for Underrepresented Minority and People with Disability - Austin, Texas
  • Connecting while Disconnected: Technology Use by Long Distance Hikers on the Appalachian Trail (2020)
    ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference (Tapia 2020) - Virtual
  • Using Stories to Understand Technology Needs and Technology Reuse by Rural Communities (2020)
    ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP ‘20) - Sanibel Island, Florida
  • Designing for Playful Interactions at a Hands-off Evolving Exhibit (2019)
    Computing Research Association Grad Cohort for Underrepresented Minority and People with Disability - Kona, Hawaii