Affiliate Positions
- Affiliate Member, Archives, Libraries, and Social Justice, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
- Adjunct Professor, Linguistics Department, University of Washington
- Textual Studies Faculty, University of Washington
- Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia
- Affiliate Member, Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives, University of British Columbia
- Classification Theory
- Information Provenance and Versioning
- Comparative Metadata Analysis
Research Areas
Joseph T. Tennis is a Professor at the University of Washington Information School. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Linguistics, as a member of the Museology Interdisciplinary Faculty Group, and as a member of the Textual Studies faculty at the University of Washington. His research centers on classification theory and is primarily concerned with examining how classification systems change over time, how diverse design requirements are invoked by different communities, and how these systems can interoperate in a web environment. He is increasingly interested in the ethics of information organization, and novel ways to evaluate structures in diverse and varied work practice contexts and discourses. He gave the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment & Ranganathan Memorial Lectures in 2017.
- Ph D, Information Science, University of Washington, 2005
- SpLIS, Book History, Indiana University, 2000
- MLIS, Indiana University, 1999
- BA, Lawrence University, 1998
- Best Paper Award - North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, 2019
- Invited Symposium Participant - UCLA, 2017
- Invited Professor - Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3, 2016
- Best Paper in the Theory, Methodologies, Preservation and Standards Track - Digital Cultural Heritage 2015, 2015
- Coorientador, Menção Honrosa do Prêmio Capes de Tese 2014 da área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas I - State University of São Paulo, 2014
- Nominated for PROF Award - University of Washington Information School, 2014
- ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Award - Association for Library and Information Science Education, 2012
- Best Poster Award - iConference 2012, 2012
- Conferencier for the Second Milwaukee Ethics of Information Organization Conference - School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 2012
- Nominated for PROF Award - University of Washington Information School, 2012
- Visiting Scholar - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, 2012
- Visiting Scholar - São Paulo State Research Foundation, 2011
- Nominated for PROF Award - University of Washington Information School, 2010
- Beta Phi Mu - Indiana University, 2000
Consulting and Other Projects
- Artefactual Systems, British Columbia
- League of Comics Librarians, Seattle
- American Society for Information Science & Technology, Classification Research Special Interest Group
- American Society for Information Science & Technology, History and Foundations of Information Science Special Interest Group
- International Association of Ontology and its Applications
- International Society for Knowledge Organization
- Beta Phi Mu
Publications and Contributions
ForwardForward (2025)Classification in the wider philosophical perspective of informational ontology
Journal Article, Academic JournalA concepção de epistemologia da organização do conhecimento: The conception of epistemology of knowledge organization (2021)Palabra Clave, 10(2)
Conference Short PaperStudying Subject Ontogeny at Scale in a Polyhierarchical Indexing Language (2021)iConference 2021: Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue
Conference Workshop PaperBefore and After: Artifacts of Temporality in Knowledge Organization Systems (2020)About Time: Information through the Lens of Time and Temporality, iConference 2020 (Suspended due to COVID-19)
Conference PaperQuestions, Advice, Explanations, and Humor: A Qualitative Study of Social Tagging on MetaFilter (2020)Advances in Knowledge Organization, Proceedings of the 16th International ISKO Conference, 17(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperVisibility, Identity, and Personal Expression: Qualitative Case Studies of Social Tagging on MetaFilter (2020)2020 Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO '20)
Metadata Standard
Conference PaperEpisemantics: Aboutness as Aroundness (2019)Proceedings from North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, 7(Unknown Issue), pp. 27-34
Journal Article, Academic JournalEpisemantics: Aboutness as Aroundness (2019)Knowledge Organization, 46(8), pp. 590-595
Conference PaperEthics for Contingent Classifications: Rorty’s Pragmatic Ethics and Postmodern Knowledge Organization (2019)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, 7(Unknown Issue), pp. 112-119
Journal Article, Academic JournalFour Orders of Classification Theory and Their Implications (2019)Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 53(8), pp. 702-710
Conference PaperHierarchy and the Foundations of Classification: The Inspection of its Ontological Status and Its Role in Ethics (2019)ISKO Low Countries
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewIntellectual Control (2019)Trusting Records in the Cloud, pp. 155–177
Conference PaperMetatheoretical Restoration: Modeling Ranganathan’s Dynamic Theory of Classification (2019)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Journal Article, Academic JournalEthos of Care: A Festschrift for Dr. Allyson Carlyle on the Occasion of her Retirement (2018)Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 56(8), pp. 663-664
Conference PaperFoundations and Moving Forward: The Horizons and the Future of Research in Knowledge Organization (2018)Tendências atuais e perspetivas futuras em Organização do Conhecimento: Atas do III Congresso ISKO Espanha e Portugal/XIII Congresso ISKO Espanha, pp. 15-19
Conference PaperInfluence of metatheoretical research on knowledge organization (2018)Advances in Knowledge Organization, Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the 15th International ISKO Conference, 16(Unknown Issue), pp. 273-281, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-95650-420-4
Conference PaperIntellectual History, History of Ideas, and Subject Ontogeny (2018)Advances in Knowledge Organization, Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the 15th International ISKO Conference, 16(Unknown Issue), pp. 308-313, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-95650-420-4
Technical ReportNA16 Metadata: Mutatis mutandi – Design Requirements for Authenticity in the Cloud and Across Contexts (2018)InterPARES Research Project
Conference PaperSolid Foundations and some secondary assumptions in the design of bibliographic metadata: toward a typology of complementary uses of metadata (2018)Advances in Knowledge Organization, Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the 15th International ISKO Conference, 16(Unknown Issue), pp. 450-457, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-95650-420-4
Conference PaperA Knowledge Organization Platform: Integrating SKOS and PROV for Ontogenic Analysis (2017)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Conference PosterA Knowledge Organization System Observatory: First Steps and Functional Requirements (2017)2017 iSchool Research Fair
Conference PosterConceptual Analysis and Scheme Change: Assumptions and Research Design Decisions (2017)2017 iSchool Research Fair
Metadata Standard
Conference PaperFacets and Change: Design Requirements for Analytio-Synthetic Schemes in Light of Subject Ontogeny Research (2017)Faceted Classification Today: Theory, Technology and End Users: Proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 2017, pp. 163-169
Conference PaperMetatheory and Knowledge Organization (2017)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, 6(Unknown Issue), pp. 173-181
Conference PosterMethodological Constructs in Descriptive Informatics and Framework Analysis (2017)2017 iSchool Research Fair
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewNever Facets Alone: The Evolving Thought and Persistent Problems in Ranganathan’s Theories of Classification (2017)Dimensions of Knowledge: Facets for Knowledge Organization
Conference PaperOntogeny and Conceptual Geometry: Following Gärdenfors to Create an Analytics for Conceptual Analysis and Change (2017)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Conference PaperPerspective, Voice, Reference, and Warrant: A Sample of Ameliorations to the Multi-Perspective Design Requirement and Some Arguments Against It (2017)Advances in Classification Research, 27(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperThe Autism Prism: A Domain Analysis Paper Examining Neurodiversity (2017)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Conference PaperThe concept of epistemology in knowledge organization: O conceito de epistemologia na organização do conhecimento (2017)Memória, cultura e tecnologia na Organização do Conhecimento, 4(Unknown Issue), pp. 71-78
Conference PosterWhose Truth? Digital Recordkeeping and Evidence in a Post-Truth World (2017)2017 iSchool Research Fair
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewConceptual Provenance in Indexing Languages (2016)Building Trust in Information: Perspectives on the Frontiers of Provenance, pp. 93-99
Journal Article, Academic JournalMethodological Challenges in Scheme Versioning and Subject Ontogeny Research (2016)Knowledge Organization, 43(8), pp. 573-580
Conference PaperStructure of Classification Theory: On Foundational and the Higher Layers of Classification Theory (2016)Advances in Knowledge Organization, 15(Unknown Issue), pp. 84-87
Conference PaperThe Creativity of Classificationists: What Archival Records Show about the Global and Local Considerations in Classification Design (2016)Global/Local Knowledge Organization: Contexts and Questions (in Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting)
Conference PaperArchival Metadata for Digital Cultural Heritage: Conceptual Provenance, Contextual Forensics, and the Authority of the Found Digital Object (2015)Proceedings of the Digital Cultural Heritage 2015 Conference, pp. 399-402
Conference PosterConstructs in Classification Theory (2015)iSchool Research Fair
Published Keynote AddressEpistemic, Ontic, Axiologic, and Praxic Constructs in Knowledge Organization Research (2015)Organização do Conhecimento e Diversidade Cultural. Estudos Avançados em Organização do Conhecimento. 2015 ISKO-Brazil Conference, 3(Unknown Issue), pp. 21-29, ISBN/ISSN: 978-85-98176-70-3
Conference PaperFoundational, First-Order, and Second-Order Classification Theory (2015)Proceedings of the 2015 North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Journal Article, Academic JournalFoundational, First-Order, and Second-Order Classification Theory (2015)Knowledge Organization, 42(4), pp. 244-249
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-NewMetadata Application Profiles (2015)Encyclopedia of Archival Concepts, Principles, and Practices
Conference PosterMethodological Constructs in Subject Ontogeny Research, Second Edition (2015)iSchool Research Fair
Conference PaperOn Operationalization and Evaluation of Epistemic and Ontological Claims to Knowledge Organization (2015)Advances in Classification Research, 26(Unknown Issue)
White PaperProvenance: Past, Present and Future in Interdisciplinary Perspective: Report on the InterPARES Trust Interdisciplinary Workshop on Provenance (2015)Second iTrust Interdisciplinary Workshop on Provenance
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe Memory of What Is: Ontogenic Analysis and its Relationship to Ontological Concerns in Knowledge Organization (2015)Ontology in Knowledge Organization, pp. 161-166
Conference PosterTheoretical and Engineering Problems of Conceptual Provenance in Long-Lived Classification Schemes (2015)iSchool Research Fair
Conference PaperWords and Emotional Work: Classification Theory’s Constructs Useful for the Analysis of Social Media Data in Terms of Gender, Race, and Sexuality (2015)Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring Gender, Race, and Sexuality through Social Media Data
Journal Article, Academic JournalA Kaleidoscope Perspective: Change in the Semantics and Structure of Facets and Isolates in Analytico-Synthetic Classification (2014)SRELS: Journal of Information Management, 50(6), pp. 789-794
Conference PaperDescription and Différance: Archives, Libraries, and Museum Descriptive Traditions and their Educational Communities and Cultures (2014)Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
Conference PaperIntensional Megacities: Toward Mapping the Semantics of Linked Classification Schemes (2014)Advances in Classification Research, 25(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperLoad Bearing or Levittown? The Edifice Metaphor in Conceptualizing the Ethos of Classification Work (2014)Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 14(Unknown Issue), pp. 222-227
Conference PaperMe, My Metadata, and the NSA (2014)In the proceedings of the 2014 iConference.
Conference PosterMethodological Constructs in Subject Ontogeny Research (2014)iSchool Research Fair
Conference PaperRubrics of Authenticity in the Cloud: Metadata, Description, Documentation, and Discussion (2014)Proceedings of the International Conference on Archives
Co-Editor, Conference ProceedingsAdvances in Classification Research (2013)ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 23(Unknown Issue) Editors: Kathryn La Barre, Joseph T. Tennis
Conference PaperAuthenticity as a Social Contract - We Are Our Records (2013)Proceedings of the 2013 iConference, pp. 801-803
Conference PaperCollocative Integrity and Our Many Varied Subjects: What the Metric of Alignment between Classification Scheme and Indexer Tells Us About Langridge’s Theory of Indexing (2013)Proceedings of North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)
Technical ReportContent Strategy for ChronoZoom 2.0 (2013)Content Curation for ChronoZoom Project
Journal Article, Academic JournalDeveloping a video game metadata schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum (2013)International Journal on Digital Libraries, 13(2), pp. 105-117
Conference PaperDiplomatics as a methodological perspective for archival knowledge organization (2013)North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)
Conference PosterEdifice Complex: Conceptualizing Classification in 1890 and Now (2013)iSchool Research Fair
Journal Article, Academic JournalEthos and Ideology of Knowledge Organization: Toward Precepts for an Engaged Knowledge Organization (2013)Knowledge Organization, 40(1), pp. 42-49
Conference PosterLearning Linked Data for Educators (2013)
Conference PaperMetaphors of Time and Installed Knowledge Organization Systems: Ouroboros, Architectonics, or Lachesis? (2013)Information Research, 18(3)
Journal Article, Academic JournalModeling the aesthetic axis of information organization frameworks, part 1: Theoretical basis (2013)Journal of Documentation, 69(6), pp. 807-826
Journal Article, Academic JournalModeling the aesthetic axis of information organization frameworks, part 2: Cast studies (2013)Journal of Documentation, 69(6), pp. 827-850
Conference PosterPlanning a Platform for Learning Linked Data (2013)DC-2013 Linking to the Future
Conference PosterPoster: Authenticity as a Social Contract - We Are Our Records (2013)2013 iConference
Conference PaperThe Weight of Language and Action: Epistemic Stance, Methodological Action, and Theoretical Perspective in Knowledge Organization (2013)Tales from the Edge: Narrative Voices in Information Research and Practice: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science
Conference PaperToward a Taxonomy of Harm in Knowledge Organization Systems (2013)Proceedings of the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)
Journal Article, Academic JournalToward a Taxonomy of Harm in Knowledge Organization Systems (2013)Knowledge Organization, 40(4), pp. 266-272
Conference PaperUncovering Epistemological Assumptions Underlying Research in Information Studies (2013)Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
Journal Article, Academic JournalA Convenient Verisimilitude or Oppressive Internalization? Characterizing the Ethical Arguments surrounding Hierarchical Structures in Knowledge Organization Systems (2012)Knowledge Organization, 39(5), pp. 394-397
Conference PaperAeons and Flux: Timelines and Epistemes in Classification Design and Evaluation (2012)Advances in Classification Research, 23(Unknown Issue)
Conference PosterCategorical Landscapes: Large Scale Cluster Analysis of Wikipedia Category System over Time (2012)iSchool Research Fair 2012
Conference PaperComparative Modeling of Vickery’s Faceted Classification and the Oeuvre of S. R. Ranganathan (2012)Facets of Knowledge Organization: A Tribute to Professor Brian Vickery 1918-2009, pp. 301-313
Conference PaperConstant Pioneers: The Citation Frontiers of Indexing Theory in ISKO International Proceedings (2012)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Knowledge Organization: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 13(Unknown Issue), pp. 39-43
Conference PaperData, Documents, and Memory: A Taxonomy of Sources in Relation to Digital Preservation Metadata (2012)UNESCO Conference on Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation
Conference PaperDomain analysis for a video game metadata schema: issues and challenges (2012)Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2012, 7489(Unknown Issue), pp. 280-285
Conference PosterEmerging Concepts in Ontogenic Analysis (2012)iSchool Research Fair 2012
Conference PaperFacets and Fugit Tempus: Considering Time in Faceted Classification Schemes (2012)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Knowledge Organization. Advances in Knowledge Organization, 13(Unknown Issue), pp. 58-62
Conference PosterFacets of Access: a Typology of Information Dissemination Systems (2012)iConference 2012, pp. 544-545
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewForms, Knowledge, and Forms of Knowing: Correct and Useful Epistemology and Knowledge Organization (2012)Desafios e perspectivas científicas para a organização do conhecimento na atualidade. Estudos avançados em organização do conhecimento., 1(Unknown Issue), pp. 22-29
Research ReportGeneral Study 15 – Application Profile for Authenticity Metadata (2012)
Conference Extended AbstractHumanistic Information Science (2012)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, ISBN/ISSN: 0-87715-544-7
Conference PosterQuestions about Content Curation in ChronoZoom (2012)iSchool Research Fair 2012
Conference PaperSome Temporal Aspects of Indexing and Classification: Toward a Metrics for Measuring Scheme Change (2012)iConference 2012, pp. 311-316
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Weight of Language and Action: Epistemic Stance, Methodological Action, and Theoretical Perspective in Knowledge Organization (Le poids du langage et de l’action dans l’organisation des connaissances: Position épistémologique, action méthodologique et perspective théorique) (2012)Études de Communication, 39(Unknown Issue)
Conference PosterVisualizing the Life-Cycle of Authenticity Metadata (2012)iSchool Research Fair 2012
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewWhat Does a Domain Analysis Look Like in Form, Function, and Genre? (2012)A organização do conhecimento como domínio: perspectivas teóricas, pp. 1-10
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewWhat Does a Domain Analysis Look Like in Form, Function, and Genre? (2012)A organização do conhecimento como domínio: perspectivas teóricas. São Paulo : Cultura Acadêmica, 6(1), pp. 3–14
Conference PaperEkphrasis, Artists’ Intentions, and Anthropological Polemics in Angle Brackets: Toward a Thicker Description of Digital Documentary Material (2011)Advances in Classification Research, 22 (Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalIs There a New Bibliography? (2011)Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 49(2)
Conference PaperRanganathan’s Layers of Classification Theory and the FASDA Model of Classification (2011)Proceedings of the 2011 North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization
Conference PaperForm, Intention, and Indexing: The Liminal and Integrated Conceptions of Work in Knowledge Organization (2010)Advances in Classification Research
Conference PaperMeasured Time: Imposing a Temporal Metric to Classificatory Structures (2010)Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Knowledge Organization, Advances in Knowledge Organization vol. 12(Unknown Issue)
Conference PosterCaveat Fractal: Dissecting the Body of Indexing Theory, Uncovering Complexity, and Moving Toward Performativity (2009)iSchool Research Fair
Journal Article, Academic JournalSocial tagging in the life sciences: characterizing a new metadata resource for bioinformatics (2009)BMC Bioinformatics, 10(313)
Journal Article, Academic JournalTerm Based Comparison Metrics for Controlled and Uncontrolled Indexing Languages (2009)Information Research, 14(1)
Journal Article, Academic JournalThree Creative Tensions in Document Interpretation Theory Set as Evidence of the Need for a Descriptive Informatics (2009)Knowledge Organization
Book Editor, ScholarlyCulture and Identity in Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Knowledge Organization (2008)11(Unknown Issue) Editors: C. Arsenault, Joseph T. Tennis
Journal Article, Academic JournalEpistemology, Theory, and Methodology in Knowledge Organization: Toward a Classification, Metatheory, and Research Framework (2008)Knowledge Organization, 35(3-Feb), pp. 102-112
Conference PosterEvidence of Term-Structure Differences among Folksonomies and Controlled Indexing Languages (2008)Annual Meeting for the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Journal Article, Academic JournalExtending the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for Concept Management in Vocabulary Development Applications (2008)Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(1), pp. 25-37
Conference PaperToward a Theory of Structure in Information Organization Frameworks (2008)Culture and Identity in Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Knowledge Organization, Advances in Knowledge Organization vol. 11(Unknown Issue), pp. 262-268
Conference PaperDiachronic and Synchronic Indexing: Modeling Conceptual Change in Indexing Languages (2007)Information Sharing in a Fragmented World, Crossing Boundaries. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Information Science/L'Association canadienne des sciences de l'information, pp. 1-11
Conference PaperOntologies and the Semantic Web: Problems and Perspectives for LIS Professionals (2007)IBERSID: Revista de Sistemas de Información y Documentación,, pp. 303-311
Book Editor, ScholarlyProceedings of the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (2007)1(Unknown Issue) Editor: Joseph T. Tennis
Journal Article, Academic JournalScheme Versioning in the Semantic Web (2007)Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(4), pp. 85-104
Conference PaperSocial capital 2.0: New ICTs and new social forms (2007)Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting, 44(Unknown Issue)
Conference PaperThe Economic and Aesthetic Axis of Information Organization Frameworks (2007)Proceedings of the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, pp. 112-113
Conference PaperComparative Functional Analysis of Boundary Infrastructures, Library Classification, and Folksonomies (2006)Information Science Revisited: Approaches to Innovation Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Information Science/L'Association canadienne des sciences de l'information
Conference PaperFunction, Purpose, Prediction, and Context of Information Organization Frameworks (2006)Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Knowledge Organization. International Society for Knowledge Organization, Advances in Knowledge Organization vol 10(Unknown Issue), pp. 303-310
Technical Report
Conference PaperSocial Tagging and the Next Steps for Indexing: Fordist Relexivity and Intertextuality (2006)Advances in Classification Research, 17(Unknown Issue)
Technical Report
Conference PaperThe Notion of the 'Concept Instance': Problems in Modeling Concept Change in SKOS (2006)International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications: Metadata for Knowledge and Learning
Book ReviewTheory, Culture & Society Vol. 23 (2-3) Edited by Mike Featherstone (2006)Knowledge Organization, 33(4), pp. 216-219
Conference PaperToward a general approach to information organization (2006)Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
Journal Article, Professional JournalVersioning Concept Schemes for Persistent Retrieval (2006)Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Journal Article, Academic JournalExperientialist Epistemology and Classification Theory: Embodied and Dimensional Classification (2005)Knowledge Organization, 32(2), pp. 79-92
Conference PaperSKOS and the Ontogenesis of Vocabularies (2005)International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications: Vocabularies in Practice, pp. 275-278
Metadata and the Archival Bond(s): Reconsidering the Technological Apparatus, What We Call It, and Where We Find It
48th ACA Annual Conference: Belonging - Considering archival bonds and disconnects - Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
Classification Across Time, Context, and Purpose
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop - Seattle, WA
Comparative Classification
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative International Conference (DCMI) 2022 - Virtual
NKOS Workshop 2022
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative International Conference (DCMI) 2022 - Virtual
Pennies to Guineas and Old Wine in New Bottles: Reconsidering Metadata and Considerting Paradata
InterPARES Trust AI - Paris, Rome
Problem-Solved: Metadata Explorations vs. Metadata Education
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative International Conference - Virtual
Research at iSchools
iConference 2021 - Beijing, China
Research at iSchools
iConference 2021 Doctoral Colloquium - Virtual
Before and After: Artefacts of Temporality in Knowledge Organization Systems
iConference 2020 (Suspended due to COVID-19 - Borås, Sweden
In Lux Perpetua: Algorithmic Transparency, Subject Ontogeny Work, and the Ethical Use of Classification Theory
iSchool Research Fair (Suspended due to COVID-19) - Seattle, WA
Invisible, Not Viable, Venal, and Now Vibrant: Metadata Research throughout InterPARES
2020 International InterPARES Symposium - San José, Costa Rica
Metadata as it has been researched throughout InterPARES
InterPARES Research Findings Conference - San Jose, Costa Rica
Pure Flow and Mixed Flow: Comparative Examination of Census Ethnicity Classification as a Case Study for Category Formation
iSchool Research Fair (Suspended due to COVID-19 - Seattle, WA
Tec(h)tonic Race and Ethnicity: Conceptual Structuration of Census Data
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Authenticity Metadata and the Integrity of Systems: An Empirical Study
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Critical Structured Data Studies
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Domain Analysis and Domain Change: Platform Shift and Alignment Documentation and Knowledge Organization Work
Domain Analysis Clinic of the Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure - Milwaukee, WI
Episemantics: Aboutness as Aroundness
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Philadelphia, PA
FASDA Classification Theory
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Hierarchy and the Foundations of Classification: The Inspection of its Ontological Status and its Role in Ethics
The Inaugural Conference of the Low Countries Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization - Brussels, Belgium
Metatheoretical Restoration: Modeling Ranganathan’s Dynamic Theory of Classification
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Philadelphia, PA
Mutatis Mutandis: Evidence of Authenticity through “Metadata” and its Sources in Records Preservation
InterPARES Trust Cuban Workshop - Havana, Cuba
Platform Analysis and Change: A New Look at Domain Analysis in Light of Subject Ontogeny Work
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Second-Order Classification Theory: Contextualizing Classification Change in Our Design Commitments
iSchool Research Symposium - Seattle, WA
Engineering the Discourse, or, New Sources for the History of Ideas: A Workshop Exploring the Intersection of Linked Open Data, Classification Theory, and Digital Humanities
Workshop on Critical Structured Data Studies: University of California-Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA
Ensuring the Future of Libraries: Connecting the Academy and the Profession
Public Library Association Conference - Philadelphia, PA
Ensuring the Future of Libraries: Connecting the Academy and the Profession
Public Library Association (PLA) 2018 Conference - Philadelphia, PA
Expressing and obscuring throughout: Politics, values, and semantics derived from a conceptual analysis of classification terms
The Politics of Classification Workshop - 15th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Porto, Portugal
Influence of Metatheory on Knowledge Organization
15th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Porto, Portugal
Intellectual History, History of Ideas, and Subject Ontogeny
15th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Porto, Portugal
Knowledge Organization as Science: The Vision of Ingetraut Dahlberg
Fifteenth International ISKO Conference - Porto, Portugal
Lemmata Manifest: Modeling Classification Theory Using IDEF0 Formalism to Surface Elisions
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, WA
Resources, Priorities, and Equity: Conversations and Practices in the Service of a Joyful Faculty Life
2018 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Semantic Record Keeping and the IPAM (InterPARES Authenticity Metadata Application Profile): A Different Kind of Case Study for Authenticity Metadata
State Archives of Rome - Rome, Italy
Semantic Space and Conceptual Geometry: A Gap Analysis for Classification Methodology
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, WA
Solid Foundations and Some Secondary Assumptions in the Design of Bibliographic Metadata: Toward a Typology of Complementary Uses of Metadata
15th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Porto, Portugal
The Ideal, the Real, and Way Forward: Archival Metadata in the Contemporary Distributed Environment
InterPARES European Team Symposium - Jerusalem, Israel
Warrant, Analysis, and Mapping: Classification Theory, Digital Humanities and the Contemporary Linked Data Environment
Workshop on Critical Structured Data Studies: University of California-Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA
A Faculty of One with Faculty Affairs: An Undepartmentalized Model of iSchool Faculty Shared Governance
iConference 2017 - Wuhan, China
Conceptual Geometry and Analytico-Synthetic Techniques in Classification
International Conference on Knowledge Organization for Information Management: Revisiting Ranganathan - Chennai, India
Do We Have All the Terms for this Art?: Exploring the Nature and Continued Conceptualization of KOS through their Collective and Individual Histories
Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems Workshop - Valetta, Malta
Expressing and Obscuring Throughout: Politics, Values, and Semantics Derived form a Conceptual Analysis of Classification Terms
Politics of Classification, Invitational Multidisciplinary Symposium - Los Angeles, CA
Facets and Change: Design Requirements for Analytio-Synthetic Schemes in Light of Subject Ontogeny Research
International UDC Seminar 2017: Faceted Classification Today - London, UK
Foundations and Moving Forward: The Horizons and the Future of Research in Knowledge Organization
2017 ISKO-Spain Portugal Conference - Coimbra, Portugal
International Society for Knowledge Organization
2017 NKOS Workshop - Crystal City, VA
Perspective, Voice, Reference, and Warrant: A Sample of Ameliorations to the Multi-Perspective Design Requirement and Some Arguments Against It
American Society for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop - Crystal City, WA
Through Formal Analysis and Theories of Meaning: Extending the Trajectory of S. R. Ranganathan's Theoretical Frameworks in Classification Research
iSchool Research Symposium - Seattle, WA
Through Formal Analysis and Theories of Meaning: Extending the Trajectory of S. R. Ranganathan’s Theoretical Frameworks in Classification Research
19th Sarada Ranganathan Endowment lectures/Ranganathan Memorial - Chennai, India
Voice in Context: Culture, Inclusion, and Faculty Review
ADVANCE Workshop - Seattle, WA
Whose Truth? Digital Recordkeeping and Evidence in a Post-Truth World
iSchool Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Construct and Construct Patterns for Ethical Knowledge Organization
European and International Doctoral Seminar on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities: State of the Art, Findings, Perspectives from France and the International Community, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Contextual Forensics and Archival Metadata
Guest lecture in PhD, Master 1 and 2 Courses, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Dublin Core at 21 and Beyond: On Solid Foundations We Build New Work
Dublin Core at 21, IFLA Satellite Meeting - Dublin, OH
Enumerative, Faceted, and Second-Order Classification Theory
Guest lecture in PhD Course, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Information Provenance and Versioning: Ontogeny and Its Constructs
Guest lecture in Master 1 Course, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
iSchools and the iSchools Movement
Guest lecture in PhD, Master 1 and 2 Courses, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Know You Do Wrong: Intentionality, Ethics, and Knowledge Organization
European and International Doctoral Seminar on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities: State of the Art, Findings, Perspectives from France and the International Community, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Metadata in the Wild: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Organization Structures, Practices, and Discourses
Guest lecture in Master 1 Course, Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Renewable Concepts: Intellectual Landscape of Knowledge Organization for a Sustainable World." KO for a Sustainable World: ISKO Perspectives.
International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Structure of Classification Theory: On Foundational and the Higher Layers of Classification Theory
13th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Creativity of Classificationists: What Archival Records Show about the Global and Local Considerations in Classification Design
Global/Local Knowledge Organization: Contexts and Questions Panel, at Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting - Copenhagen, Denmark
The Hamburg Hydra and Semantics: Classification, Ethnography, Provenance, and Truth
Digital Humanities Cross-Disciplinary Lecture, Linnaeus University - Växjö, Sweden
Archival Metadata for Digital Cultural Heritage: Conceptual Provenance, Contextual Forensics, and the Authority of the Found Digital Object
Digital Cultural Heritage 2015 Conference - Granada, Spain
Cannons, Connections, and Questions
Round Table Talk at 2015 ISKO-Brazil Conference - Marília, São Paulo, Brazil
Casting Our Eyes Over the Threads of the Cataloguer's Work: Population Perspective in Metadata Research
Evolution and variation of classification systems: how stable is the organization of knowledge and how diverse is its representations? Toward a Metadata Observatory, eHumanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Categoriography: Thick Description of Semantics in Long-lived Complex Information Systems
New Trends in eHumanities, eHumanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conceptual Provenance in Indexing Languages
iTrust Interdisciplinary Workshop on Provenance. World Bank. - Washington, D. C.
Constructs and Construct Patterns for Ethical Knowledge Organization
Third Milwaukee Conference on Ethics in Knowledge Organization - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Epistemic, Ontic, Axiologic, and Praxic Constructs in Knowledge Organization Research
2015 ISKO-Brazil Conference - Marília, São Paulo, Brazil
Foundational, First-Order, and Second-Order Classification Theory
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Los Angeles, CA
Intentional Practice in Knowledge Organization and Librarianship
College Librarians and Media Specialists of Washington State 2015 Conference - Everett, Washington
Invisible ‘Conceptual’ Art and the Harm It Can Do: Defining the Aesthetics of the Archive, Classification, and Knowledge Organization
This Might Now Work interdisciplinary presentation series. Photo Center Northwest - Seattle, Washington
Local and Global Knowledge Organization: Constructs, Commonalities, and our new Cartography
Local and Global Knowledge Organization - Copenhagen, Denmark
On Operationalization and Evaluation of Epistemic and Ontological Claims to Knowledge Organization
American Society for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop - St. Louis, Missouri
Words and Emotional Work: Classification Theory’s Constructs Useful for the Analysis of Social Media Data in Terms of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
Workshop on Exploring Gender, Race, and Sexuality through Social Media Data - Newport Beach, California
2014 San Francisco Zen Center Archives Project
San Francisco Zen Center - San Francisco, CA
A Crucible for Collections and Classification: The Built Environment, the Social Milieu and Their Effect on Bibliographical Access in of New York City Libraries 1890-1930
Research Conversation, University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
A New York Semantic Pastiche: Writing and Intertextuality in the Billings Classification
Society for Textual Studies 18th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Seattle, WA
A New York Semantic Pastiche: Writing and Intertextuality in the Billings Classification
Society for Textual Studies 18th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Seattle, WA
Cannons, Affiliations, and Polytely: The Future of Knowledge Organization and ISKO
A Discussion panel. ISKO and KO 25 Anniversary: The Future of Knowledge Organization and ISKO. International Society for Knowledge Organization - Krakow, Poland
Description and Différance: Archive, Library, and Museum Descriptive Traditions and Their Educational Communities and Cultures
Association of Information Science and Technology annual meeting (ASIS&T) - Seattle, WA
Evidence or Tea Leaves? Digital Records, Fragmented Systems, and Authenticity Metadata
Investigating the Archive: Memory & Identity, The Royal Society of Edinburgh - Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Intensional Megacities: Toward Mapping the Semantics of Linked Classification Schemes
American Society for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop - Seattle, WA
Libraries, Archives, and Museums: Connecting Educational Cultures and Communities
ASIS&T Annual Conference - Seattle, WA
Linnaean Fever: Symptoms and Heuristics in the Order of the Archive
University of Washington Art Department - Seattle, WA
Load Bearing or Levittown? The Edifice Metaphor in Conceptualizing the Ethos of Classification Work
13th Annual Conference on Knowledge Organization - Krakow, Poland
Me, My Metadata, and the NSA: Privacy and Government Metadata Surveillance Programs
iConference 2014 - Berlin, Germany
Metadata, Mutatis Mutandis: Cloud-Based Conceptions of Authenticity Metadata
Provenance, Metadata & Ethics: Trust and Recordkeeping in the Cloud?, Society for American Archivists - Washington, DC
Methodological Constructs in Subject Ontogeny Research
University of Washington Information School Research Fair - Seattle, WA
Networks, Authenticity, Metadata, and the Cloud
International Symposium on Records in the Cloud - Stockholm, Sweden
Rubrics of Authenticity in the Cloud: Metadata, Description, Documentation, and Discussion
International Council on Archives - Girona, Spain
Collocative Integrity and Our Many Varied Subjects: What the Metric of Alignment between Classification Scheme and Indexer Tells Us About Langridge?s Theory of Indexing
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Milwaukee, WI
Constructs in Knowledge Organization Systems: Rhythm in Time, Intention, and Form
9th Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization - French Chapter - Paris, France
Diplomatics as a Methodological Perspective for Archival Knowledge Organization
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Milwaukee, WI
Immovable Types, Conceptual Neighborhoods, or Semantic Diaspora? Making Sense of the Findings from the Ontogenic Analysis of a Long-Lived Classification Scheme
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Champaign-Urbana, IL
Justified and True Intentions: Epistemic Assumptions in KOS Research
Uncovering Epistemological Assumptions underlying Research in Information Studies, Association for Information Science and Technology - Montreal, QC, Canada
Metadata and Schema Issues as Part of ChronoZoom 2.0
January Kickoff for ChronoZoom 2.0 Summit, Microsoft Research - Redmond, WA
Metaphors of Time and Installed Knowledge Organization Systems: Ouroboros, Architectonics, or Lachesis?
Conceptions of Library and Information Science 8, Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi - Copenhagen, Denmark
Open Worlds in Closed Systems: The Methodological Concerns at the Intersection of Literary Warrant and Scheme Change
UCLA - Los Angeles, CA
Temporal Aspects of Metadata Aggregations in Cultural Heritage Repositories: ChronoZoom HathiTrust and the Volume, Variety, and Velocity of Contemporary Information Organization
2013 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, ACM/IEEE - Indianapolis, IN
The Strange Case of Eugenics: A Subject?s Ontogeny in a Long-Lived Classification Scheme and the Question of Collocative Integrity
ALISE ?13: Annual Conference of the Association for Library and Information Science Education, ALISE - Seattle, WA
The Weight of Language and Action: Epistemic Stance, Methodological Action, and Theoretical Perspective in Knowledge Organization
41st Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science - Victoria, BC, Canada
Toward a Taxonomy of Harm in Knowledge Organization Systems
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization - Milwaukee, WI
A Convenient Verisimilitude or Oppressive Internalization? Characterizing the Ethical Arguments surrounding Hierarchical Structures in Knowledge Organization Systems
2nd Milwaukee Conference on Ethics of Information Organization - Milwaukee, WI
Aeons and Flux: Timelines and Epistemes in Classification Design and Evaluation
American Society for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop (ASIST SIG/CR) - Baltimore, MD
Authenticity Metadata and the IPAM: Progress toward the InterPARES Application Profile
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications: Metadata for Meeting Global Challenges - Kuching, Malaysia
Constant Pioneers: The Citation Frontiers of Indexing Theory in ISKO International Proceedings
12th International Conference for Knowledge Organization - Mysore, India
Data, Documents, and Memory: A Taxonomy of Sources in Relation to Digital Preservation Metadata
Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation, UNESCO - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Enumerating and Erasing Eugenics in the DDC: Methodological Concerns at the Intersection of Literary Warrant and Scheme Change
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
Facets and Fugit Tempus: Considering Time in Faceted Classification Schemes
12th International Conference for Knowledge Organization - Mysore, India
Neither Editor nor Librarian: The Interventions Required in the New Context of Texts in the Digital World
Modern Language Association - Seattle, WA
Precepts for an Engaged Knowledge Organization." Transl. "Preceitos para uma Organiza??o do conhecimento comprometida ? EKO
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianpolis, Brazil
Precepts for an Engaged Knowledge Organization." Transl. "Preceitos para uma Organiza??o do conhecimento comprometida ? EKO
Univerisade de Estaudual Paulista - Marlia, Brazil
Some Temporal Aspects of Indexing and Classification: Toward a Metrics for Measuring Scheme Change
iConference 2012 - Toronto, ON, Canada
Subject Ontogeny and Scheme Versioning: A Semantic Archaeology and Its Methods
Round Table on Emerging Research in Knowledge Organization hosted by Univerisade de Estaudual Paulista, UNESP, Univerisade de Estaudual Paulista, UNESP - Marlia, Brazil
Subject Ontogeny, Intention in Indexing, and Descriptive Informatics
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianpolis, Brazil
Tale of Two Timelines: Structural Analysis and Comparison of Chain of Preservation Metadata and Classification Scheme Change Over Time
Research Conversation, University of Washington, iSchool - Seattle, WA
The Strange Case of Eugenics vs. Anatomy: Investigating and Benchmarking Change in Subject Classification
University of Montreal - Montreal, QC, Canada
Time Capsulation: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Studying Scheme Change
McGill University - Montreal, QC, Canada
Toward a Geometry of Meaning: Some Work on Creating a Systematic Evaluation Rubric for Knowledge Organization Systems
Research Conversation - Seattle, WA
Trust, Conflicting Rights, and Metadata
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Study Exploratory Workshop on Trust and Conflicting Rights in the Digital Environment - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Clarity in Form and Purpose: Metadata beyond the Schemas
ACA - Association of Canadian Archivists - Toronto, ON, Canada
Classification (Guest Lecture)
University of Montreal - Montreal, QC, Canada
Comparative Modeling of Vickery's Faceted Classification and the Oeuvre of S. R. Ranganathan
Facets of Knowledge Organization: A Tribute to Professor Brian Vickery, ISKO-United Kingdom - London, England, United Kingdom
Description Writ Large: Comparisons and Crossovers in the Lineages of Archival and Bibliographic Description
Niteri, Brazil
Diachrony in Indexing Languages: A Case Study of Anatomy and Eugenics in the Dewey Decimal Classification
Linguistics Department Colloquium - Seattle, WA
Forms, Knowledge, and Forms of Knowing: Epistemology and Knowledge Organization
ISKO-Brazil Conference on KO and Representation - Brasilia, Brazil
Leveraging Metadata: Interoperability Across Systems, Time and Conceptions
Annual Meeting, Society of American Archivists - Toronto, ON, Canada
Precepts for an Engaged Knowledge Organization." Transl. "Preceitos para uma Organiza??o do conhecimento comprometida ? EKO
State University of S?o Paulo - Marlia, Brazil
The Scaffolding of Self-Becoming: Some Feminist Perspectives on Structure and Semantics in Knowledge Organization
Research Conversation, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Form, Intention, and Indexing: Liminal Conception Work and Integrated Conception of Self and Labor in Knowledge Organization
Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop, ASIS&T - American Society for Information Science & Technology - Pittsburgh, PA
Knowledge Organization as Design Research
DUB Colloquium, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Measured Time: Imposing a Temporal Metric to Classificatory Structures
International Conference, ISKO - International Society for Knowledge Organization - Rome, Italy
Metadata: Interoperability Across Systems, Time, and Conceptions
International Symposium, InterPARES 3 Project - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Modeling Ranganathan's Classification Theory Using IDEF0 Formalism
Research Conversations, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Report on Metadata Developments (1): Interoperability Across Systems, Time, and Conceptions
International Symposium, InterPARES 3 Project - Oslo, Norway
Things Change. The Ontogenetics of Class Populations in Vocabularies
Semantic Web in Biomedicine Seminar, Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Engaged Knowledge Organization: A Rationale, Background, and Agenda for Work
Annual Conference, Track 2: Knowledge Organization, ASIS&T - American Society for Information Science & Technology - Joao Pessoa, Brazil
2008@myStuffWicked and [within double rules] An Account | OF | VIRTUE: | OR, | Dr. Henry More's | ABRIDGEMENT | OF | MORALS, | Put into Engli?h. ||: The Landscape of Contemporary Resource Description
Bridge Consortium, Carleton College/St. Olaf College - Northfield, MN
Going through the motions: The process and product of tagging
Athenaeum Panel Presentation, Carleton College - Northfield, MN
Semantics on the web
Guest Lecture, Carleton College - Northfield, MN
Work-Thema, Theme-Nomen, and Group 3: Or What Is It All About?
Annual Conference, ISKO - International Society for Knowledge Organization - Montreal, QC, Canada
Epistemic Constructs in the Design, Study, and Critique of Knowledge Organization Structures
International Conference, Information Resources Management Association - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Metadados de documentos digitais: The InterPARES 2 Metadata Schema
Seminÿrio Internacional de Documentos Digitais - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Policies and Development of Contemporary Descriptive Practice: A Brave New World
Annual Conference, British Columbia Library Association Conference - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Semantic Carnival: Tagging and the New Descriptive Acts of the Next Generation Web
Emerging Scholars: An iSchool PhD Alumni Lecture, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Concept evolution (subject ontogeny) in the NLM classification scheme: a case study
Annual Conference, Canadian Health Libraries Association - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Metadata and Description as seen in the InterPARES 2 Investigations and the Chain of Preservation Model of Electronic Records
International Symposium on Electronic Records - Singapore
Annual Conference, DCMA - Dublic Core and Metadata Applications - Manzanillo, Mexico
Accessing and Managing e-Resources: a discussion
E-Library Committee, University of British Columbia Library - Vancouver, BC, Canada
InterPARES Findings and the GoC Records Management Metadata Standard and Application Profile
Library and Archives Canada - Ottawa, CA
What the Future Holds: Issues and Trends Impacting Cataloguers
Annual Conference: From Scrolls to eBooks, BC Library Conference - Burnaby, BC, Canada