Faculty and students from the University of Washington had more papers accepted at this year’s iConference than any of the more than 50 schools who are members of the iSchools organization.
The conference, to be held in Berlin on March 4 – 7, is the 10th annual gathering of a broad spectrum of scholars and researchers from around the world who share a common concern about critical information issues in contemporary society. Each annual iConference is hosted by a different iSchools member-institution. This is the first time the conference will be held outside of North America.
"Pushback: The growth of expressions of resistance to constant online connectivity"
Morrison, Stacey (University of Washington Information School, USA); Gomez, Ricardo (University of Washington Information School, USA)
"Facet Analysis of Video Game Genres"
Lee, Jin Ha (University of Washington, United States of America); Karlova, Natascha A. (University of Washington, United States of America); Clarke, Rachel Ivy (University of Washington, United States of America); Thornton, Katherine (University of Washington, United States of America); Perti, Andrew (Seattle Interactive Media Museum, United States of America)
"Smart Governance: A Roadmap for Research and Practice"
Scholl, Hans Jochen (University of Washington, United States of America); Scholl, Margit (Technical University Wildau, Germany)
"Cross-cultural Similarities and Differences in Music Mood Perception"
Lee, Jin Ha (University of Washington, United States of America); Hu, Xiao (University of Hong Kong, China)
Newell, Bryce Clayton (University of Washington, United States of America); Tennis, Joseph T. (University of Washington, United States of America)
"Occupied with place: exploring Twitter resistance networks"
Hemsley, Jeff (Information School, University of Washington, United States of America); Eckert, Josef (Department of Geography, University of Washington, United States of America)
"A Room of One’s Own: The Virtual Study Room as Information Services Delivery Model"
Marino, John (University of Washington, United States of America); Karlova, Natascha (University of Washington, United States of America); Eisenberg, Mike (University of Washington, United States of America); Lin, Peyina (University of Washington, United States of America)
"Thinking About Context: Design Practices for Information Architecture with Context-Aware Systems"
Bauer, Jared S (University of Washington, United States of America); Newman, Mark W (University of Michigan, United States of America); Kientz, Julie A (University of Washington, United States of America)
"Perceptions of Walls: An Exploration of Trait Affect and Personality in a Cross Cultural Study of Perception of Risks Related to the Edward Snowden Case"
Dupuis, Marc J. (University of Washington, United States of America); Menking, Amanda M. (University of Washington, United States of America); Mason, Robert M. (University of Washington, United States of America)
"A Retreat from the Panoptic: A Multi-National study of Video Surveillance"
Randall, David P. (University of Washington, United States of America); Newell, Bryce Clayton (University of Washington, United States of America)
"Informing Policy: Mapping Information Literacy Research To Education Policy"
Willer, David (University of Washington, United States of America); Marino, John (University of Washington, United States of America); Eisenberg, Mike (University of Washington, United States of America)
"How Do People Re-find Files, Emails and Web Pages?"
Jones, William Paul (University of Washington, United States of America); Wenning, Abe (University of Washington, United States of America); Bruce, Harry (University of Washington, United States of America)
Cultivating Cultural Competence: Context, Culture, and Technology of a Global Reading Challenge (*will not be presented at the conference)
Dresang, Eliza T (University of Washington, United States of America); Patin, Beth (University of Washington, United States of America); Kotrla, Bowie (Florida State University, United States of American)
Rumors, False Flags, and Digital Vigilantes: Misinformation on Twitter after the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing
Starbird, Kate (Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, United States of America); Maddock, Jim (Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, United States of America); Orand, Mania (Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, United States of America); Achterman, Peg (Northwest University, Seattle WA, United States of America); Mason, Robert M. (Information School, University of Washington, United States of America)
Cultural Values, Information Sources, and Perceptions of Security
Mason, Robert M. (University of Washington, United States of America); Dupuis, Marc J. (University of Washington, United States of America)
Challenges and Opportunities in Virtual Worlds: Informed Consent and Data Collection
Karlova, Natascha (University of Washington Information School, Seattle); Marino, John (University of Washington Information School, Seattle); Lin, Peyina (University of Washington Information School, Seattle); Eisenberg, Mike (University of Washington Information School, Seattle)
Communities of Practice and Connected Learning: Breaking Down Walls Through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Mills, J. Elizabeth (The Information School, University of Washington); Bayo, Ivette (The Information School, University of Washington); Capps, Janet L. (Emporia State University); Campana, Katie (The Information School, University of Washington); Dresang, Eliza (The Information School, University of Washington); Burnett, Kathleen (School of Library & Information Studies, The Florida State University); Feldman, Erika N. (The Information School, University of Washington)
Design Planning for an Alternate Reality Game to Support Learning of Informatics Concepts
Eschler, Jordan Christine (University of Washington, United States of America); Fullerton, Sean (University of Washington, United States of America)
Breaking Down Barriers: Transforming Libraries into Learning Labs
Dresang, Eliza T (University of Washington, United States of America); Eshleman, Amy (Urban Libraries Council); Mills, Elizabeth (University of Washington, United States of America); Bayo, Ivette (University of Washington, United States of America)
Changing Publishing Practices in iSchools
Organizers: Megan Finn; Ryan Shaw; Shawn Walker
Description: The ultimate goal of this workshop is to encourage iSchools to be leaders in practicing as well as analyzing and building the future of scholarly publishing.
Interdisciplinary Practices in iSchools
Organizers from the UW iSchool: Dean Harry Bruce, Dean Emeritus Mike Eisenberg
Description: Interdisciplinarity is in the DNA of the iSchools. This workshop invites you to discuss how interdisciplinarity plays out in theory and practice.
Digital Youth: Towards a new multidisciplinary research network
Organizers from the UW iSchool: Professor Eliza Dresang, Professor Karen Fisher, Assistant Professor Katie Davis
Description: The Digital Youth Workshop proposes to break down walls across disciplinary borders and to establish dialogues among researchers across continents in order to contribute to the development of LIS research communities.
Sessions for Interaction and Engagement
- Information and Marginality: Ethical Issues
- Organizers from the UW iSchool: Ph.D. candidate Ivette Bayo; Associate Professor Ricardo Gomez
- Doctoral Colloquium: Co-Chair Karen E. Fisher, Professor, Information School, University of Washington Information School
- Social Media Expo: Organizer from the iSchool: Robert M. Mason, Professor, University of Washington Information School
Doctoral Dissertation Award
Runner up: Parmit K. Chilana, Ph.D., University of Washington Information School
Supporting Users After Software Deployment through through Selection-Based Crowdsourced Contextual Help