William Jones, UW iSchool research associate professor, authored an article in the September 6 edition of First Monday, titled "No knowledge but through information." The paper can be found on the First Monday website. Dr. Jones proceeds from the premise that information is a thing to be handled and controlled, whereas knowledge is not, to identify some important differences between Personal Knowledge Management and Personal Information Management and why the two terms should not be used interchangeably.Jones is the Principal Investigator on the Keeping Found Things Found project at the iSchool. He is currently working on a book about his experiences developing Personal Information Management tools and conducting research in that area over the course of the project.First Monday is one of the first openly accessible, peer-reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. Since its start in May 1996, First Monday has published 1,069 papers in 170 issues.
Dr. Jones on knowledge, information in First Monday
Friday, September 24, 2010