iSchool Capstone


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Green Hill Library Project

Our project consisted of fundraising for new shelving and obtaining artwork to be displayed in the library space of Green Hill Academic School in Chehalis, Washington. We also aimed to provide more Spanish and Mental Health books. We fundraised $1,500 for the library’s shelves. Through our social media campaigning, we purchased 114 books from Green Hill’s wishlists. We are also proud that we secured ten pieces of artwork that will hopefully make a more vibrant library space for the residents. We hope that our efforts will impact the Green Hill Academic School Library and help to enrich the lives of the students.
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Grievers Library Development

Grievers Library is a non-profit working to provide free bereavement literature to those who need it most, through free book boxes dispersed throughout Seattle. In developing this library further, I have expanded the physical collection, created a highly accessible tagging system with grieving users in mind, and curated online booklists that allow users to borrow recommended titles from their own public library. Living with a loss is overwhelming, but the search for support and comfort does not need to be.
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Guddy: Connecting Gamers Around The World

Among 200 million U.S Gamers, 83% of American adults have experienced harassment in online multiplayer games. Our research showed that 64% of the harassment seemed from the low skill level of the players. Thus, the gaming community needs a friendly and safe environment where they can find teammates and improve their in-game skills. Guddy seeks to create the environment by matching players based on their gameplay, interests, and preferences. With Guddy, players from around the world would be able to find new ways of improving together and find connections that can last for a lifetime.
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Healio: Your children, your family, you. Manage your family’s medical information in one patient portal.

Healio provides a modern and accessible solution for users to access their healthcare information with a user-friendly interface and family healthcare integrations to manage health information efficiently. Based on our research, many users face difficulties managing their family’s healthcare online, with issues ranging from difficulty logging into family member portal accounts, making appointments and reviewing treatments online, as well as health privacy concerns. To address these issues, Healio is designed to be navigable and easy to understand to allow users to access and share family health information, communicating with providers as they often would in person - as a family.
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HIV/AIDS Activism in Seattle

Coordinating meetings, distributing fliers and making photocopies are more than just minute, everyday tasks—they are integral to building and sustaining social movements. This project explores how information practices were foundational to Seattle’s uniquely collaborative fight against HIV/AIDS, which was signified by partnerships between activist groups, local government, and University of Washington researchers. Based on interviews with ten local HIV/AIDS activists, this project highlights the ways that information can create possibilities for activism across axes of difference. While this project mainly focuses on local HIV/AIDS activism during the 1980s and 1990s, it provides a blueprint for activist imaginaries today and beyond.
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Homosaurus Record Enhancement for Pacific University Libraries

For my project, I worked with a librarian at Pacific University to enhance 362 print records using the Homosaurus controlled vocabulary. Homosaurus is an international LGBTQ+ linked data vocabulary. The goal of this project was to improve the relevance and authenticity of the records' subject terms to make these resources more inclusive and more easily discoverable by university students. The records were updated in OCLC Connexion, so universities across the country will benefit from the record enhancement we accomplished.
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Housing Voucher Help: Resources for Homeless Relief

Housing Voucher Help is a design-sensitive website that fills the tech-literacy gap for the homeless community, empowering individuals to get the resources they need. By simplifying the housing voucher application workflow and consolidating low-income housing resources, we make applying for and using the vouchers easier. The emergency housing voucher was implemented to help homeless people afford rent, but a year after distribution, less than half of them have been awarded in Seattle. That’s why we aim to increase voucher applications so that 100% of Seattle vouchers are utilized to connect people with stable housing that could change their lives.
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How to achieve automatic preventive control to protect users’ private information?

Facing the growing need for cloud computing system protection to prevent financial loss and private information breaches, many companies are manually writing policies to fight against attacks. However, such procedures are repeated and slow. With support from Deloitte, this project created sample codes that could prevent such fatiguing and tedious work by automating the whole implementation process. More specifically, it built a sample code pipeline for cloud computing system policies with Amazon Web Services(AWS), Rego and AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
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Huskies for Refugees: Portal for Refugee to Access Immigration Resources

Huskies for Refugees is a portal that assists refugees in the immigration and resettlement process. It lists information about financial sponsors, as well as evacuation and resettlement resources. In addition, it provides information regarding living accommodations, job opportunities and foreign degree evaluations. We connect refugees to local senators to a obtain a letter to expedite their humanitarian parole process. Organizations willing to sponsor refugees can also list themselves on the site. The portal guides sponsors, both individuals and groups, to resources that will that support refugees.
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Husky SLAM: An In-Depth Azure Security Analysis

Microsoft supports over a billion users whether it be with a product or a service. Maintaining information confidentiality is a top priority along with data integrity. By conducting research and analysis, we can take the necessary steps to ensure those priorities are met. We have developed an all-encompassing web page to act as a one-stop-shop for our two main solutions, an in-depth security analysis report translating our findings into a clear story and an interactive classification search in order to quickly research failures, find out why they occur, and obtain recommendations on remediation and prevention measures.