iSchool Capstone


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Document Management System Selection for Microsoft Mixed Reality

The Microsoft Mixed Reality team currently lacks a centralized tool to manage policy documents. Our team focuses on recommending the best document management system to our sponsor that has functionalities including automated tagging, access control, version control, and notification. We have taken into consideration factors such as financial cost, usability, scalability, and user experience. Our project provides our sponsor with essential research findings on different DMS tools and valuable insights into improving their document management process, indirectly contributing to improving the efficiency of the overall policy document management workflow.
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Enhancing User Experience of

Anecdata is a citizen science platform that allows users to upload, download, and browse content pertaining to their surroundings and environment. We worked on improving the user experience and information architecture of the platform. We achieved this by working on requirement gathering (surveys),  conducting usability analysis, creating user personas, and creating a system map. We further recommended a few features to improve the taxonomy and user flow of the platform. We believe that our work has positively impacted the lives of people who take a deep interest in the environment and use a platform like Anecdata to connect with like-minded people.
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Evaluating for Equity: Student-Centered Tools and Best Practices for Managing Video Tutorial Collections at Holman Library

In collaboration with Green River College’s Holman Library, we developed tools and best practices for implementing an equity-first approach to evaluating and managing Holman’s video tutorial collection. Designed to center students’ relationship to these instructional materials, we built an evaluative rubric and controlled vocabulary to identify criteria for a collection of internal and open access instructional materials and make recommendations for content and structure. Establishing values, frameworks, and tools for collection-building at the intersection of critical information literacy, inclusive pedagogy, and instructional design aims to locate student users as active participants in their navigation of library resources and research processes.
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FanCentral: A social media platform for sports fans that incentivizes interaction

Currently, there is no centralized social media platform for sports fans, or a way that teams can directly encourage fans to interact with their social media posts to further engagement. FanCentral is a social media platform for teams to share social media posts from various platforms to their fans. Teams can also reward fans for interacting with posts, incentivizing engagement. Fans are able to view detailed information and post history for their favorite teams and earn rewards by supporting their favorite teams.
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It can be a pain to find a good group to work with in your classes. That’s why we created FindMyTeam. This application is a platform that will enable iSchool students to join and create teams with their peers, preview student profiles, and find team recommendations based on skills and interests. This can be entirely student-driven, but we want to encourage instructors to use this in their classes. Instructor users will be able to add students to their classes and form teams as well. Ideally, FindMyTeam will help students and instructors form teams that work well for each individual.
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Food Bank Database

The University District Food Bank required a new database to meet the needs of their multiple programs and accurately track their data. A centralized system provides more continuity for staff, volunteers, and better service to the clients. Based on the information needs of the staff and our research of database options, we customized FoodBank Manager's cloud-based application for its programs. The application features manage clients appropriately, are accessible to multiple staff concurrently, and are easy to update over time without a technical contractor. The Food Bank will be able to provide better service to its guests and stakeholders.
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Found: A Gender-Exploratory TTRPG Program

In order to go beyond the “Trans 101” programming common within libraries, we developed Found, a table-top role-playing game and discussion inspired by the well-known Mission to Mars passive education and problem-solving activity. Between experiences-based character creation, diverse non-player characters, flexible abilities, a soft tone to allow for vulnerability, a setting that encourages engagement with systemic issues, thought-provoking puzzles, and contemplative discussion questions, Found is a program designed to foster transgender community by giving space to comfortably explore gender, while also increasing cultural competency of cisgender allies.
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Framework for a YWCA Alaska Archives

YWCA Alaska wants to preserve and share its rich history with the communities it serves by starting and maintaining an archive. To help the organization plan and prepare to engage volunteers and paid interns in beginning the archives, we have created a framework with archival practices and links to additional resources, and recommended first and future actions. Researching and developing the framework has resulted in a guide YWCA Alaska and other nonprofit organizations can use to start an archive and help the Y's new CEO strengthen her relationships with some of the organization's longest-term supporters.
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Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!

Full STEAM Ahead! was a virtual STEAM camp designed for children 6-12 that ran between April 5-9. Everett Public Library (EPL) originally had a STEM program for ages 0-3 that was taken over by the local school district. Our team saw the opportunity to fill a gap in programming, especially since engaging ages 6-12 is vital for maintaining interest in STEAM. We developed five 1-1.5 hour activity sessions. Our program had an average compared to the attendance of similar programs EPL offered during April 2021. Our attendees were very engaged and had an overall positive response to our program.