iSchool Capstone

Implementing Change: A Cultural Humility Resource Guide for Health-related Programs and Services

Project tags:

community engagement & outreach

equity & inclusion

social justice

Sponsored by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), Region 5, this capstone project focused on developing a cultural humility resource guide for health-related library programs and services. Cultural humility is “a practice of self-reflection on how one’s own background and expectations impact a situation, of openness to others’ determining the relevance of their own identities to any given situation, and of committing to redress the effects of power imbalances” (American Library Association). Accessible through the NNLM’s curated digital resources collection, this guide supports the implementation of equitable and inclusive services for libraries and community-based organizations.

Project participants:

Dave Culhane

MLIS Online

Aubrey Williams

MLIS Online