iSchool Capstone

A Checkup on our Healthcare Staff

Project tags:

information behavior & user research

knowledge organization

Project poster

Miscommunication in healthcare teams has been identified by researchers as a serious impediment to patient safety. To address this issue, The University of Washington Medical Center’s WWAMI Institute of Simulation in Healthcare created a program called TeamSTEPPS. Since its inception, the program has done amazing work in improving healthcare communication. Unfortunately, TeamSTEPPS currently has no evaluation tool to quantitatively evaluate healthcare teamwork and communication, which makes ascertaining TeamSTEPPS training effectiveness difficult. For my Capstone, I decided to fill this gap and worked with the TeamSTEPPS clinical director to develop, test and refine a new Teamwork Observation Tool. Through the employment of this tool, TeamSTEPPS will enhance their curriculum, which will lead to better healthcare collaboration and improved patient outcomes throughout the United States.

Project participants:

Sydney Anderson