iSchool Capstone

Sound Expansion: Music Taxonomy and MIRs Redeveloped for Music Streamers

Project tags:

information behavior & user research

Project poster

This research-based Capstone deals with the current music streaming community and the fact that streamers of music are at an informational disadvantage when it comes to accessing sounds for their latest projects. With little resources available due to the niche-oriented information needs of these specific streamers, acquiring these sounds can be a difficult practice and thus, leave them with scarce options. After conversing with fellow streamers, it appeared that their needs were in fact, quite varied enough to warrant several potential current MIR methods to be revisited based off recent research of the topic. Understanding current MIR research as well as the relative information needs of specific music streamers could benefit these music streamers, as well as current music information retrieval and their current algorithms, would they need to broaden their horizons for queries, and finally, revamped taxonomies that may spring from potentially more streamer-friendly services in the foreseeable future.

Project participants:

Zachary Wyman