iSchool Capstone

Our Changing Stories: The Effects of Technology/Social Media on Personal Storytelling

Project tags:

social media

Project poster

Storytelling is an intrinsic part of human nature. It is how we communicate; pass down traditions, morals, history, our individual pasts, our present thoughts, and future hopes. Our project seeks to discover how much of the art of storytelling has been lost due to social media and how that can affect self-image in Internet users. Research has shown there are different types of user experiences based on the level of connectedness people feel with others online. Positive storytelling experiences can be found on websites that create support systems where users receive encouragement from others. Negative experiences generally center on social media sites that enable people to be self-centered, often causing other users to feel lonely, alienated, and envious. Our desire for this project is to help others understand we must make conscious efforts to create support systems for ourselves and others. Storytelling cannot exist in a vacuum.

Project participants:

Lena Quijano


Danette Colin