iSchool Capstone

Early Childhood Literacy Storytime

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Early Childhood Literacy Storytime Aaron Negron, Online MLIS Early childhood literacy refers to the foundational elements that children learn about reading and writing before they can actually read and write. Parents and caregivers are a child’s first facilitators and they have the opportunity to support the development of early literacy skills through daily interactions. Public libraries are positioned to model and promote story time practices that stimulate early childhood literacy skills. This project resulted in a partnership between the Austin Public Library and the Young Fathers Program at LifeWorks Austin. A story time was presented for Young Fathers Program clients where they learned skills and techniques they could practice at home during their own story times with their children. The participants were enthusiastic about the opportunity to learn and expressed excitement about gaining new skills that would benefit and entertain their children. They also appreciated learning new ways to spend quality time with their children.

Project participants:

Aaron Negron