iSchool Capstone


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Go is a complex strategy game that requires consistent study in many different areas; by nature, it is difficult to practice and improve one’s skill level. Building an effective static practice routine can be difficult, due to the natural complexity of the game and the many different areas to study. Additionally, the online Go community is scattered and relatively sparse. Dango improves the experience and effectiveness of Go study by solving these problems. Students can track routines and visualize improvement, optimizing study plans and focusing them on areas that yield the best results for them at any given time. Dango also provides the tools that instructors need to teach students, in a single location--facilitating better student-teacher interaction and community bonding. By allowing players to improve both individually and together, Dango provides a valuable tool for all Go players to improve the quality of their Go experience.

Project participants:

Maria Alberts


Samuel Wambach


Ryan Rinaldi


Kris Domingo
