iSchool Capstone

mohCare iOS App

Project tags:

information architecture

mobile or web development

Project poster

mohCare Inc is building the next generation of patient connect platforms for hospitals by empowering patients and doctors to leverage new mobile technologies. Our app focuses on the sign-up process for a variety of mohCare platforms. Signing up on a healthcare related app needs to be simple and secure at the same time. Using our app, patients can securely identify themselves based on personalized questions from their profile in other medical systems. Patients can add their family members without any hassle through a simple yet secure process which allows digital signing of medical information release documents. Our app also includes a dashboard which shows alerts, rewards, appointments and family member schedules. Thus, our project will act as a starting point for all the future mohCare platforms and allow a streamlined sign-up process.

Project participants:

Shakti Rajpurohit


Rahul Shanbhag