iSchool Capstone

Food Managing Application for People with Diabetes

Project tags:

information behavior & user research

mobile or web development

ux & interaction design

Project poster

Nearly 26 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Poorly controlled diabetes exacerbates serious health complications. To assure diabetic control, patients need to have meticulous monitoring of their blood sugars and limit their calorie and carbohydrate intake. Diabetic patients face daily challenges in planning meals, eating out, or navigating restaurant choices and menu offerings that best fit their strict dietary needs. To address this critical need, we are introducing a mobile application that utilizes smartphone features including a camera and GPS to identify restaurant menus that cater to specialized diets, and analyzes and recommends menus that meet user’s dietary goals. This application also enables users to quickly analyze and calculate pre-packaged food and recipes, as well as track their daily and weekly carbohydrate and calorie load. Based on conducting several user tests and receiving expert advices, our application enables users to easily find food options that fit their requirements.

Project participants:

Phongsathon Denwongkun


Ngan Nguyen
