Why Search Twice
data science & visualization
software development
ux & interaction design

Web history supposedly shows users where they have been and finds websites they previously visited. Currently, browsers display web history as a dense, hard-to-read list. This list does not reflect how users use web browsers and does not match the relational way that humans remember. Our research shows that these basic history pages provide little value to users, who are forced to make up for inadequate functionality with bookmarks or memory.
Our service takes this underutilized but highly potent data and visualizes it so users can better understand how they use the web. We compile meaningful graphs, trends, and relationships to give users insights into their browsing behavior. While we are beginning with this foundational tool to collect and display data, we plan to expand this service to be able to help users discover websites based on their previous browsing and be able to easily locate past websites they’ve visited via natural language graph search.
Matt Garrett
Chris Gilbert
Tony Grosinger
Ansel Santosa
Tim Tan