iSchool Capstone

Mobile eLearning for UW Medicine Reviewers

Project tags:

mobile or web development

ux & interaction design

Project poster

eLearning is, in essence, short and interactive online training. To be successful, an eLearning module must have, among other things, buy-in from all stakeholders. At UW Medicine, peer reviews are also important. That’s why the review process for eLearning needs to be as easy as possible. Access from mobile devices is a breeze. Keeping user experience and look-and-feel consistency across all platforms is an essential.

This project addresses all these requirements for eLearning targeting residents and attending physicians. This project was done in collaboration with Learning Gateway, a small team at UW Medicine, who develops and delivers eLearning on a learning management system used enterprise-wide. The solution contains the following components: 1) Conversion of Adobe Flash interactions to HTML5 files. 2) An iOS application and a new responsive website for reviewers. 3) Consistent look and feel for both the iOS app and the site.

Project participants:

Xiaoyi Tian