iSchool Capstone


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Aeyesafe is developing real-time monitoring and accident alerting devices to provide critical health data to caregivers to detect and prevent falls. Falls are one of the most significant risks to senior safety. Senior assisted care facilities are finding ways to protect senior safety better as it puts the mind at ease of their loved ones. From user interviews and usability testing, we learned there is an urgent need for a live time senior monitoring solution, and improving user experience enhances the usability and functionality of Aeyesafe technology.
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Aida: Visualizing Medical Needs for Limited English Proficiency Users

8.6% of the American population are not proficient in English and find it difficult to access healthcare that is predominately provided in English. Communication issues caused by language barriers make Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals vulnerable to poor health outcomes. To help tackle this information problem, we created Aida. Aida is an app that allows users to input their symptoms in their preferred language, using our visual process. We generate an easy-to-read symptom card to show their doctor. Our solution reduces the stress and difficulty of communicating symptoms and supports LEP users in receiving the effective healthcare they deserve.
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An Interactive Walk for Kids!

In response to the inability to access traditional children’s programming during Covid shut-downs as well as in acknowledgement of an ongoing need for safe programming alternatives, this Capstone project set out to design an outdoor, passive programming experience for 4–7-year-olds and their caregivers. Informed by research, inspired by existing projects and interviews with programming professionals, and shaped by Covid-related constraints, the result is an intentionally designed interactive walk that offers a framework for a fun and accessible outdoor activity, which can be adapted for a wide-range of community needs.
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Analytics Tool to Understand COVID-19 Economic Impacts and Evaluate Programmatic Options

The City of Seattle seeks to answer the question: “How might we understand the economic fallout of COVID-19 from a data perspective and identify where interventions could be most effective?” Our team experimented with locational and demographic data to gain a comprehensive view of the economic impacts residents face due to COVID-19. These deliverables include block-specific maps and predictive regression models to see which areas and groups are most economically vulnerable to COVID-19. The resulting deliverables assist City Departments in making data-informed decisions to help shape City policies and programs and inform the larger city ecosystem of community-based organizations.
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Are You Nuts?: A Gamified Approach to Combating Misinformation

Misinformation is an escalating threat to modern society. Seemingly unlimited access to an ever-increasing volume of information allows for false or inaccurate content to spread easily. We look to ensure that everyone has the intellectual and social tools to be resilient and contributing members of our information society. "Are You Nuts?" is a free online collaborative game designed to empower players to combat misinformation in a remarkably fun, amusing, and innovative manner. Our game teaches players to engage in healthy information consumption and sharing habits, helps raise awareness of information vulnerabilities, and builds compassionate concern for others.
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Artistree: Connect with Fashion Creatives in Your Community

For beginner fashion creatives hoping to break through in the fashion industry, finding an inclusive community to work, learn, and grow from can be daunting. We designed Artistree, a mobile application, to connect fashion creatives to those nearby them where they can receive support, collaborate on projects together, attend workshops, and share their creations. Artistree leverages technology to build a welcoming community that helps people develop their skills and demonstrates that mistakes are a part of fashion artistry.
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Aware: Privacy Management Dashboard for Facebook Data

Aware is a web application that helps Facebook users retrieve their personal data, understand their Facebook activity, and adjust their privacy settings. Our team was inspired to create Aware because we noticed that young adults do not understand their Facebook data and how to protect it, despite their deep concern for information privacy. Aware solves this problem by helping Facebook users make sense of various personal data, including ads, groups, politics, and interests information, and helping them manage their privacy settings. Our hope is that through Aware, users experience a greater sense of safety and control over their Facebook experience.
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BARK: Your Virtual Support Animal

BARK! is a platform that provides digital companionship with a virtual support animal. While traditional emotional support animals are a great resource for those who are struggling with their mental wellbeing, they remain inaccessible to many who could benefit from a support animal. Through simple interactions with the virtual pet, mental check-ins, assistance with scheduling, and information about real emotional support animals, BARK! strives to provide individuals with a sense of companionship and support that a traditional emotional support animal would provide, in a significantly more accessible medium.
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Behind the Bar: Harnessing Information for Advocacy in the Hospitality Industry

Working with the New Hospitality Institute and building upon research from the H.E.A.R.D. Collective, this capstone builds an online space for hospitality workers and interested academics to contribute research around this industry not often studied with a data-driven sociological lens. This online space first acts as an archive of public policy created or activated by the pandemic relevant to hospitality workers in the United States, and will hopefully develop into portal to deal with a variety of labor concerns in the service industry.
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Between Essential and Expendable: Seattle Gig Workers' Experiences of Precarity through the Covid-19 Pandemic

Previous research has established a clear need for labor protections for app-based workers. And, prominent legislative debates have focused on reclassification - attempting to recognize on-demand platform work as outside the purview of traditional independent contracts. However, there has been relatively little research to understand how policies outside of reclassification impact on-demand workers. Drawing on focus groups and recurring interviews with a cohort of 50 participants in the Seattle area, we assess workers’ experiences over a two-year period in order to evaluate the role of hazard pay and sick time established by the City of Seattle during the Covid-19 pandemic.