iSchool Capstone


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YODHA: Breaking Barriers by Improving Access to Assistive Technology

“Yodha, the accessibility bot”, addresses the problem of inequitable access to information about assistive technology (AT) schemes and devices for people with disabilities in Low and Middle income countries, particularly in India. Yodha bridges the information gap for over 63 million people with disabilities by providing personalized, reliable, information about government schemes and available ATs in a conversational manner in local languages and on multiple platforms. Yodha helps PwDs by reducing the financial burden and time required to acquire necessary devices, increasing PwDs independence and quality of life, ultimately contributing to creating a more inclusive society.
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ZTC Integration

To address rising textbook costs, California’s governor gave $20,000 to each community college to lay the foundation for establishing zero-textbook cost (ZTC) degree pathways. This project assists in building that foundation for Mendocino College by streamlining the textbook adoption process for faculty and increasing the accessibility and visibility of course materials in the discovery layer. By doing this, there are now centralized access points available to all users to find course materials. This project not only improves UX and UI of the library’s ILS, but also compiles existing information to later be used by the Institutional Research Office.
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“To Be Used and Enjoyed”: Unveiling the Seattle Archdiocese Archives

The Seattle Archdiocese Archives holds a collection of about 300 rare books from as early as the 16th century. Prior to our project, these materials were unorganized and therefore inaccessible. Throughout our time working with the collection, we assessed its contents, entered content metadata into an organized database, and ultimately made materials accessible to researchers. Our goal was to make the contents of the rare book collection findable and accessible through detailed organizational work and the development of a maintainable database.


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Fostering a Culture of Empowerment in Mental Health Care: Selections from the MindFreedom International Records

MindFreedom International is a coalition of grassroots organizations and individual members who unite to win human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities. The MindFreedom International records in the OHSU Historical Collections & Archives are rich yet underutilized. I aimed to bring more exposure to the records and to center the voices of psychiatric survivors by curating a physical and digital exhibit that highlights the collection, including newsletters, visual art, event flyers, and photographs. This exhibition and the accompanying digitization efforts demonstrate opportunities for future archival research and will generate greater awareness of the psychiatric survivors movement.
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In Spring of 2020, UW Libraries closed its doors leaving students to adapt to new ways of studying and researching in an entirely virtual environment. When the Libraries re-opened, student use failed to return to pre-pandemic numbers. To investigate, we interviewed UW Fine Arts students to discover if their values aligned with their branch library’s. Unsurprisingly, after years of virtual college experiences, student values now reflect a strong need for socialization and community building from their libraries. It is our hope that these findings will allow UW Libraries to re-align their service model to meet these previously unvoiced needs.
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7 Forms of Respect + iDataBased: Building Respect in the Workplace

The 7 Forms of Respect quiz and assessment tool from CuriosityBased assists teams in building respectful relationships in the workplace. Continuing a previous Capstone engagement, our team developed a more streamlined solution built upon Google Suite and Google Apps Script. The project scope included creating a quiz interface that is intuitive, a more functional test result PDF page, and an eCommerce integration enabling users to purchase a premium assessment if desired. As a Women and minority-owned enterprise, CuriosityBased can leverage the revamped solution to reach an even greater number of stakeholders while reducing manual intervention for the in-house team.
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A Library for All

The goal of this project was to assist the North Olympic Library System (NOLS) in creating a plan to implement the recommendations of an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) assessment. In 2021, NOLS commissioned an EDI assessment of the organization, both as a public library and as a workplace. A five-year implementation plan was created using the assessment’s recommendations, input from NOLS staff, and information from other library systems engaging in EDI work. This plan will serve as a guide for NOLS in cultivating an organizational culture that is welcoming and accessible for all people.
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A Sprout's Journey: Increasing Agricultural Awareness and Reading Proficiency Through Online Interactivity

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused decreasing public elementary school student engagement yet increasing comfort with low-quality online teaching. This is contributing to falling student reading capability and teachers' lack of incentive to challenge their students further through the incorporation of a science curriculum, leaving students underprepared to handle the increase in greener initiatives. To address these informational gaps, Sprout aims to deliver to elementary school students from grades 1-3 an interactive web-based storybook that introduces environmental education while increasing reading proficiencies by incorporating elements of both the English Language Arts Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
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A Survey of Software Journals

The goal of this Capstone project is to investigate the qualities of journals that accept software articles, how they communicate those expectations to authors, and how many articles have been published in recent years. Between 2014-2021, there has been a steady upward trend in the number of software articles published. Most journals do not give authors clear instructions about the expectations for software articles; however, of those that do, archiving, persistent links, and documentation are usually required. We hope that this data will draw attention to the myriad of guidelines and issues in software articles and journals.
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Adobe Photoshop Express Recommendation Algorithm Redesign

The Photoshop Express Discover feed aims to recommend posts from a variety of content creators, not just the popular ones. We redesigned the recommendation algorithm based on collaborative filtering to predict interested topics by using recent post interactions from users. Our algorithm evolves as the user continues to interact with the product and promotes content based on users’ subject interests. This solution will help users explore and expand their individual interests and find communities to share creations, leading to more content sharing and boosting engagement.