iSchool Capstone


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AI Potential with Service Requests and Incidents

Within the City of Seattle, the IT Department resolves service requests and incidents through service/help desk or the Service Hub system. Given the complexity of the data generated from the system, it's challenging for IT staff to extract actionable insights to expedite the resolution of stalled requests. This project aims to transform organizational management embedded with AI techniques. By implementing Llama 2 with the LangChain framework and running open-source large language models locally, we developed a chatbot (EVAN9000) to optimize operational efficiency while ensuring data security. Extensive experiments and evaluations have validated its effectiveness for promising enterprise-level use cases.
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Arena Sports: Data Pipeline Modernization

Team Cherry Balls worked alongside Arena Sports to modernize and migrate their data pipeline to a new system. Previously, their data services utilized a less-efficient platform that led to inaccurate reports and laborious report building. The new system utilizes Fivetran, a cloud based data movement service, and connects to Microsoft’s Power BI, allowing for more consistent synchronizations and easier access to data. With our new workflow, we can now provide easier and more accurate dashboards to help various stakeholders of the firm gauge their operational health.
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dewy: an innovative approach to accessing tailored skincare ingredients

In today's digital age, the internet and social media have transformed into essential tools for skincare beginners. Yet, alongside this accessibility, the prevalence of misinformation within the skincare industry has surged. Dewy tackles this challenge by offering immediate access to personalized skincare insights. Leveraging computer vision technology, our website swiftly analyzes images or skin segments and provides tailored recommendations for addressing specific skin concerns. Our results not only identify potential skin concerns but also offer an ingredient-focused approach, empowering users with knowledge to make informed decisions about skincare purchases.
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GeoHealth Wastewater Infectious Disease Monitoring

GeoHealth is a web-based platform addressing the information gap in tracking infectious diseases via wastewater data analysis. It offers real-time insights and risk assessments to help communities understand and mitigate health threats, specifically from COVID-19. Utilizing data from national wastewater facilities, the platform provides statistical risk scores and visualizes trends of disease prevalence. GeoHealth significantly enhances public health literacy, equipping individuals with the necessary tools to proactively manage health risks, thereby making a profound difference in public safety and preparedness against infectious diseases.
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Lambda News Digest

Sponsored by Amazon, Lambda News Digest transforms traditional Glamazon newsletters into a digestible, engaging, and tailored experience. Our solution tackles the lack of readability and informative content in current newsletters by introducing a live news digest with interactive visualizations. Leveraging state-of-the-art AI and ML technologies, our platform delivers a personalized and engaging news experience, enriched with a diverse selection of news sources. Our generalizable technology infrastructure offers adaptability across various information contexts and fields. This initiative transforms news consumption by making information more accessible and relevant, fostering inclusivity and awareness within and beyond the LGBTQ+ community.
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Seattle Emergency Awareness

The Catastrophe Awareness Team project helps students stay safe in an emergency by sharing earthquake preparedness information for the Seattle area. Seattle lies over a number of large fault lines, making it particularly susceptible to earthquakes, and is in anticipation of ‘The Big One,’ an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or higher sometime in next 30 years. By targeting users new to the Seattle area, we provide directions to their nearest emergency shelter, a concise and downloadable preparedness guide, and a resource-filled quiz to reinforce knowledge. Ultimately, SEACAT is a one-stop shop for Seattle residents to gain baseline preparedness for earthquakes.


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Analyzing the Gender Gap in Tech Authorship

Gender disparities in computer science authorship persist as a significant challenge in academia. Our project involves creating a data visualization website to highlight the gender gap in computer science research. We discovered that women represent a mere 21.9% of published papers. Additionally, women constitute only 25% of full-time professors and earn just 80% of what their male counterparts make. By presenting engaging data visualizations and employing a predictive algorithm, our website sheds light on the future gender gap. This project empowers others by raising awareness and facilitating informed actions to combat gender disparities in computer science
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Ace: An AI-Powered Mock Interviewing Platform that helps you Ace the Interview!

Ace Interviews with AI offers a free and customizable simulated mock interview platform to help job seekers in tech-related industries prepare for their dream job. The platform provides a realistic interview experience with instant feedback, allowing users to improve their skills in a risk-free environment. Ace Interviews with AI empowers job seekers to gain confidence and interview expertise, enabling them to stand out in today's competitive job market and secure their ideal position. Accessible from anywhere and available for free, it's the cutting-edge solution to mastering the interview process.
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AI, Anti-Bias and Accessibility

One of the most challenging topics in healthcare today is thinking about the impact of AI. This project centered on developing accessible teaching material using an anti-bias and equity lens. The crux of the challenge was creating content that spoke to Faculty, C-Suite decision makers and clinicians. Unfortunately, expertise is often siloed across these groups leading to negative outsized impacts. The key take-way was demonstrating the importance of expertise and demographic diversity across the data provenance pipeline in order to achieve more equitable healthcare outcomes. This collaborative work will continue towards making healthcare AI models more accessible and transparent.
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An Interactive Data Visualization Initiative for Washington State Library

The Washington Digital Newspaper (WDN) program of the Washington State Library has led to the creation of an online repository with approximately 600,000 pages of historically significant newspapers. It serves as a valuable resource to explore American history and can be utilized for numerous projects and research opportunities. This project aims to assist the library in growing a diverse newspaper collection by mapping data results. Our data visualization solution offers a comprehensive platform and an interactive way to analyze the current data, identify gaps and patterns while increasing the data's accessibility worldwide via Tableau public.