iSchool Capstone


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The Black Panther Party Newspaper Digital Archive

The Black Panther Party Newspaper Digital Archive is the first community-protected archive to provide online access to cataloged and digitized copies of the Black Panther Party Newspaper alongside oral histories to scholars and individuals whose work uphold Black and revolutionary history. Using the Indigenous knowledge platform Mukurtu, access to the archive is scoped by community affiliation. In one year, we built the Mukurtu archive, created a classification scheme to catalog items, uploaded three volumes of high-quality newspaper scans, and conducted three oral history interviews with former Seattle Black Panther Party members and readers of the newspaper.
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The Brain Never Stops: The Power of Reading at Green Hill Academic School

Our project consisted of running a social media campaign for the Green Hill Academic School Library, located inside Washington State’s only fully-fenced, medium/maximum security juvenile detention facility. Our goal was to educate the public about the overall benefits of reading, the importance of meaningful library services for incarcerated youth, and direct potential donors to the library's Amazon Wishlist, which plays a critical role in the library’s ability to provide relevant collections to its young patrons. Since the start of our campaign, Green Hill Academic School library has gained 158 followers on social media, and 314 books have been purchased.
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The P21 Problem: Proposing a More Ethical Best Practice for Sex and Gender in Wikidata

P21 is a metadata property field used in Wikidata to record the sex or gender of living and non-living humans, animals, and fictional characters. This field conflates sex, gender identity, and gender modality, and may violate the consent and privacy of living people. There is no consensus or established guidelines for its use. My report proposes a set of more ethical best practices for using P21, as well as an implementation plan and set of use cases for this plan for using P21 for living people. This report aids in harm mitigation caused by Wikidata editors who misgender living people.
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The Poison Book Project: Arsenic In Victorian-Era Bookcloth At The University of Washington Libraries

Building upon the work of the “Poison Book Project,” I worked with the University of Washington Libraries to investigate the presence of the toxic pigment "emerald green" (copper acetoarsenite) in Victorian-era bookcloth published between the 1840s and 1860s. After extensively searching UW Libraries collections, 50 volumes were tested by the Pacific Northwest Conservation Science Consortium using x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy; nine were confirmed to contain arsenic. As a result, arsenical books are now labeled, and precautionary measures for the handling and storage of such books have been implemented to mitigate the risk of unintentional arsenic exposure for patrons and library staff.
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The Recipe Book Compendium: Bridging the Rare Books Accessibility Gap

The Recipe Book Compendium addresses the inaccessibility of Early Modern recipe books to the general public. With barriers such as academic pedigree limiting engagement, these books have remained largely hidden away in institutional special collections. However, they hold valuable insights into the lives of Early Modern families and their knowledge creation and organization practices. This free online resource connects the average person to digitized recipe books and myriad resources to assist with understanding Early Modern material and social culture. By making this information accessible to a wider audience, the Compendium promotes a deeper understanding of Early Modern knowledge practices.
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Transplanting Grapevine: Updating the Puget Sound Regional Council’s Employee Intranet

Grapevine, the Puget Sound Regional Council’s intranet, is a resource rich with HR documents, historical records, and more. However, it is inconvenient to access, requiring VPN login, and challenging to navigate. For my Capstone, I began planning to update and rebuild Grapevine using Microsoft SharePoint. I conducted a survey to learn how staff currently use Grapevine and researched how to build a SharePoint intranet site to meet PSRC’s needs. Utilizing my findings, I drafted a site map and a SharePoint hub for future user-testing. This project will help the PSRC Library Manager build a better organized and more user-friendly Grapevine.
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United and Divided: An Exhibit on Methodism and Wesleyanism

This project helps Bridwell Library reconstitute its World Methodist Museum Collection through the creation of an exhibit. This information problem was addressed by researching and writing the necessary materials for the exhibit brochure and the information accompanying the displayed documents and artifacts. Specifically, the essays focused on the history of how John Wesley and other early Methodists were represented in sculpture and art, what his letters tell us about Wesley the preacher and person, and how present-day Methodists can contend with problematic aspects of their history. The exhibit, which will be digitized, will benefit Bridwell, its surrounding community, and Methodism.
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Unseen Screens: Preservation and Exhibition of Magnetic Media

Seattle nonprofit Scarecrow Video is world’s largest publicly available audiovisual archive, with over 145,000 titles spanning 125+ years. Many of these titles are only available on VHS, a medium that is highly susceptible to physical degradation. With funding from 4Culture and in collaboration with Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound, my project resulted in the digital reformatting of 40 rare VHS tapes, with special focus on works by historically marginalized peoples and pieces spotlighting cultural heritage in Seattle. The digital preservation of these works will aid in their indefinite accessibility to researchers and film fans around the world.
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UWHFS: Evergreen Content Project

Project Completed for University of Washington Housing and Food Services, Communications and Marketing Department. The Goal of this project was to find a solution to the issue of disorganized and decentralized information, which was causing significant delays and inconsistencies. This was accomplished through the Identification of a storage system which would better fit ConMar's needs as well as the creation of a taxonomy with which to organize the information stored.
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Vision Becomes Action: A Marketing Plan for the Instructional Materials Center at Sam Houston State University

The Instructional Materials Center (IMC) is a collection of resources designed to assist pre-service educators as they develop into effective teachers who generate positive change for schools. As a result of competing priorities through a global pandemic, the IMC has been underused from a lack of awareness of its existence. This project shares the creation of a marketing plan through stakeholder interviews and research of traditional marketing strategies critically applied to academic settings. The plan will guide staff of the IMC in communicating the value of the center through authentic storytelling while prioritizing success of organizational goals, sustainability, and longevity.