Research Updates
Nov. 5, 2019
Jevin West gave an invited lecture for the Indiana University Libraries to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their Herman B Wells Library. The title of his talk was “The Changing Landscape of Scholarly Communication.” Hans Jochen Scholl had a paper titled, “Mapping Potential Impact Areas...
Oct. 21, 2019
Marika Cifor presented a paper at the Memory Lives On: Documenting the HIV/AIDS Epidemic conference at University of California San Francisco on Oct. 5. Her paper is titled, “Archive as Cure: The Promises of Visual AIDS Activist Archiving.” Chirag Shah and Ruoyuan Gao presented a paper...
Oct. 7, 2019
Anna Lauren Hoffmann: Presented as an invited speaker for the 4th Annual Information + Humanities Conference, convened by Penn State's Center for Humanities and Information. Her talk was titled “Beyond Fairness: Data, Violence, and the Limits of Antidiscrimination Discourse.” Gave an...
Sept. 30, 2019
Jevin West gave the following talks: An invited lecture at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany titled, "Gender-based homophily in collaborations across a heterogeneous scholarly landscape." A plenary talk at the meConvention in Frankfurt, Germany...
Sept. 23, 2019
Jacob O. Wobbrock and his (now graduated) 2017 undergraduate Capstone team of Anya Hsu (INFO), Marijn Burger (UW Bothell CS), and Michael Magee (INFO) won the Douglas Engelbart Award for Best Paper at ACM Hypertext & Social Media 2019 (HT’19). The paper titled, “Isolating the Effects of Web...
Sept. 9, 2019
Yolanda Barton was quoted in the GeekWire article, How a VR project documenting Seattle’s music history revealed the risk of a new digital divide. The piece highlights the way she connects Seattle’s tech present to its musically rich past by using virtual and augmented reality for those...
Aug. 19, 2019
Jacob O. Wobbrock, along with UW iSchool alum Shaun Kane and UW Computer Science and Engineering alum Jeffrey Bigham, have won the 2019 SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award for their paper, “Slide Rule: Making mobile touch screens accessible to blind people using multi-touch interaction...
Aug. 5, 2019
David Levy and his work were cited in the Thrive Global article, This Is How We Can Save Ourselves from Information Overload, which explores the concept he labeled as “informational environmentalism” and the need to save ourselves from the “pollutants” of communications overload. UW...
July 30, 2019
Miranda Belarde-Lewis wrote a piece for Pacific NW Magazine in the Seattle Times titled, There are many versions of the Tlingit ‘Raven’ story, but its truth and hopeful message are universal. The piece was excerpted from her book, Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight with John...
July 22, 2019
Ricardo Gomez was awarded a $13,000 Washington State Labor Research Grant from the UW Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies for his research, “Life Histories of Labor and Resilience: 25 years of Casa Latina in Seattle.” The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies also invited Ricardo to become...
July 12, 2019
Michelle Martin, Ricardo Gomez, and J. Elizabeth Mills, in partnership with Katie Campana at Kent State University, received an IMLS Research in Service to Practice Grant of $421,533 for “Project VOICE (Value-sensitive design of Outcomes Informing Community Engagement) for...
July 1, 2019
Jevin West was a guest on National Public Radio station KUOW’s, The Record, for the show You can’t believe your eyes. In his segment, Deepfakes, he discussed technology that makes fake images nearly indistinguishable from those that are real. The Washington Post featured Jevin West’s and...
June 24, 2019
J. Elizabeth Mills, Katie Campana, and Michelle H. Martin will attend the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington D.C. where they will present the talk titled: "Engage, Cultivate, Provide, and Assess: An Outreach Model for Serving All Children and Families." They will unveil their white paper with...
June 17, 2019
Michelle H. Martin: NPR’s Morning Edition interviewed her for the segment, A Very Happy 50th Birthday To 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. BBC World News also interviewed her for the article, Very Hungry Caterpillar still being devoured 50 years on. Will give the Francelia Butler...
June 10, 2019
Jevin West: gave a talk titled, "Reasoning about data, machines and deep fakes” at the UW Astro Colloquium for the UW Department of Astronomy; was interviewed on NPR’s Marketplace about his whichfaceisreal project; served as a panelist for the "Data, Mapping, and...