Research Updates
Jan. 22, 2019
Jochen Scholl presented the paper titled, "Situational Awareness during a Catastrophic Incident: Insights from the CR16 Exercise”, at the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52). The paper was co-authored with iSchool students Karyn Hubbel and Jeffrey G. Leonard. The...
Jan. 14, 2019
Miranda Belarde-Lewis was quoted in the KUOW story The Pacific Northwest was already internationally recognized for glass art. Then came Preston Singletary. Amanda Menking, Ingrid Erickson, and Wanda Pratt had their paper “People Who Can Take It: How Women Wikipedians Negotiate Safety”...
Dec. 24, 2018
Sonali R. Mishra, Predrag Klasnja, John MacDuffie Woodburn, Eric Hekler, Larsson Omberg, Michael Kellen, and Lara Mangravite had their paper “Supporting Coping with Parkinson’s Disease Through Self Tracking” accepted to CHI 2019. Miranda Belarde-Lewis: Published an article titled,...
Dec. 10, 2018
Jochen Scholl was invited and conducted a three-day doctoral research seminar/workshop on “Digital Government” at the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science at the Politechnical University of Valencia, Spain. The seminar was attended by students and faculty from Spain, Ecuador,...
Dec. 4, 2018
Wanda Pratt and Pedja Klasnja (iSchool alumnus) had their paper titled Healthcare in the Pocket: Mapping the Space of Mobile-Phone Health Interventions honored by the Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics in its special anniversary editorial. In this issue, it lists papers that have had a...
Nov. 13, 2018
Karen Fisher and collaborators Kate Starbird, Jevin West, Reem Talhouk (Newcastle University, Open Lab), and Eiad Yafi (University of Kuala Lumpur) were just awarded $50,000 from Facebook Crisis Informatics Research Awards. Their proposal, “Data & Design Methods for Supporting Crisis...
Nov. 5, 2018
Jake Wobbrock and his Ph.D. student Abdullah Ali just returned from the ACM UIST (User Interface Software and Technology) conference in Berlin, Germany, where they had a co-authored paper accepted, along with Affiliate Professor Meredith Ringel Morris. The paper is titled, “Crowdsourcing...
Oct. 15, 2018
Miranda Belarde-Lewis celebrated the opening of her third exhibition: Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight. It is now on view at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma (until October 2019) after which it will travel the country with stops scheduled at the Wichita Art Museum and the...
Oct. 10, 2018
Amy Ko, Michael Ernst (Principal Investigator; UW CSE), Jennifer Mankoff (UW CSE), and Zachary Tatlock (UW CSE) were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study FMitF: Formal Verification of Accessibility. This $738,125 (amount awarded to date) research project begins this January...
Oct. 2, 2018
Ricardo Gomez has had all of the following published: Based on his work with indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico: “Radio, Library and Storytelling: Building an information system for indigenous community development in Chiapas, Mexico” in Electronic Journal of Information...
Sept. 24, 2018
Joseph T. Tennis is an advisor to an NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant, Level II on “Developing the Data Set of Nineteenth-Century Knowledge.” This complements his work on the history and ontology of Nineteenth-Century Classification and its relationship to contemporary design...
Sept. 17, 2018
Jason Yip and collaborators were awarded $15,000 from the Jakobs Foundation, Society of Research in Children Development, for their Young Scholar Exchange and Research Collaboration. The project will use participatory action research and human-computer interaction to create a set of innovative...
Sept. 10, 2018
Emma Spiro served as a keynote speaker at the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. Her talk was titled Understanding Social Behavior During Crisis Events using Digital Traces. The conference took place in Barcelona, Spain. Alexis Hiniker and...
Aug. 31, 2018
Negin Dahya, Jessica Luke, Jason Yip, Jin Ha Lee, and Ian Chapman were awarded an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant (IMLS-NLG-L) in the amount of $89,000! The title of their research project is “Co-Creating Concept Art and Stories for Virtual Reality (VR):...
Aug. 27, 2018
Amy Ko and Greg Nelson won a best paper award at the ACM International Computing Education Research conference (ICER) 2018 for their paper titled, “On Use of Theory in Computing Education Research.” There were two best paper awards and theirs was for “taking risks and venturing into the...