IDEAS Student Resources
iSchool students have access to a range of events, programs, and support offered by the IDEAS Programs Advisor. In addition, prospective and international students can discover funding resources for underrepresented groups. Students, staff, and faculty are also encouraged to explore community resources and learn more about key diversity initiatives at the iSchool and across the UW:
The Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE)
The GSEE sponsors educational and social events throughout the year that help students connect with faculty, alumni and other students. While many GSEE events and programming are geared toward underrepresented minority graduate students, they are open to all University of Washington graduate students.
Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity: OMA&D
The University of Washington Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D) works to increase diversity on campus and enrich the collegiate experience of all UW students, faculty, and staff.
Race & Equity Initiative
President Ana Mari Cauce launched a Race and Equity Initiative in the spring of 2015, challenging all of us — students, faculty, staff and university leadership — to take responsibility for addressing our own biases and improving our university culture. The UW REI site shows different ways in which these issues are being addressed with increased funding, and a blog to inform of what is happening on and around campus.
UW Diversity Blueprint
The 2022-2026 Diversity Blueprint provides a set of high-level, aspirational goals. The goals outline an overarching framework to support academic and administrative units to design action plans that are appropriate to meet their unit needs.
Student Groups
At the iSchool, student groups are dedicated to promoting diversity. For some groups, diversity is the driving mission; for the rest, it's a key component in their overall efforts to serve students. Learn about iSchool student groups.